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2023 Retrospective

by Jaime Iniesta

Welcome to the Rocket Validator 2023 kickoff, where we’ll highlight some of the new features and enhancements we released during this year.

This has been an amazing year and together we’ve validated more than 8.5 million web pages, with more than 238 million HTML issues, and almost 64 million accessibility issues!

Counters for 2023

From Advanced Crawling options to enhanced Stats for your reports and a new Affiliate program, we hope we’ve continued making your site validation for large sites even easier.

Before we dig into the retrospective, let me add we have a special end-of-year gift for you. Stay with us to get an important discount for 2024! More at the bottom of this post.

But first, let’s see what we released in 2023…

Advanced Crawling

Crawling is the first step to generate a site validation report, where Rocket Validator visits your starting URL and finds the internal links, so each discovered web page can be validated with the HTML and Accessibility checkers.

In 2023 we added several improvements to our crawlers, which are available to Pro subscribers:

New Exclusions Feature
  • Initial URLs let you specify a manual list of URLs to be included in the report. This gives you more control over the exact URLs you want to include in the report.
  • Excluded URLs let you declare the URLs that should not be added to the report. Our crawlers will skip these URLs.
  • Our new Dynamic Crawler can crawl JavaScript sites (those built with tools like React, AngularJS, Ember, Vue, and others) in search of internal links. Use this advanced JS crawler on sites where URLs are not present in the static HTML markup and need rendering.
New Dynamic Crawler Feature

Learn more about Advanced Crawling and the new Dynamic Crawler.

Better Stats and Progress Reports

We’ve increased the data retention period for all subscribed users so that reports generated can be reviewed and compared later.

Now, Micro subscriptions also have stats, and all subscribed users have access to the enhanced Stats section, where you can get insights on the evolution of your checked domains.

New Stats Section

The best way to have consistent charts for your stats is by scheduling reports, so they run automatically on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Schedules have been improved so you can now choose the specific months to run a schedule on, which makes it easy to schedule them quarterly or biannually.

The new progress report emails allow you to keep track of your activity and the activity of your guests. These emails are sent weekly on Fridays and monthly on the 1st of each month, containing a digest of your activity for the week, and links to the latest reports you’ve been working on.

Tags in a Cleaner Reports Interface

We’ve simplified the reports interface to make it cleaner and simpler. For example, the new report form puts all the advanced options in a collapsible section so they don’t get in the way when you need to run a quick report, but are one click away when you need them.

Simplified New Report Form

Non-document errors (404s, timeouts, etc.) returned by the W3C Validator are now treated like HTML issues, where they always belonged.

Tags and tag filters allow you to easily categorize your reports and schedules, and also let you quickly find HTML and Accessibility issues by their nature.

Tag Filters

Easy Subscription Upgrade / Downgrades

We’ve integrated with a new payment provider, Lemon Squeezy, which makes it super easy to upgrade or downgrade your subscriptions. Now you can change your subscription level at any time by following the link on your subscriptions page.

Upgrade Subscription Interface

Accessibility and HTML validators upgraded

The Accessibility validation server on Rocket Validator has been upgraded to the latest versions of Axe Core.

2023 saw the release of two main versions of the popular accessibility checker maintained by Deque, which added support for some features that have been added to browsers in the last year, unified the criteria for the impact of each rule, added new accessibility rules, and deprecated others.

The HTML validation server has been kept up to date with the releases of W3C Validator Nu.

Launched an Affiliate Program!

We’ve started an Affiliate Program, and you’re encouraged to participate!

New Affiliate Program

Join us as an affiliate to help us spread the word about online accessibility standards. In exchange, we will split our income with you, up to a 25% monthly recurring commission.

Start 2024 with a huge discount!

We wish you all the best for the upcoming year and hope that 2024 will be full of new opportunities for all!

Get ready for 2024 with a Pro Yearly subscription: you can get Rocket Validator Pro (valued at $48/month) at a reduced price of $432 for a whole year.

Yes, that’s 12 months of Rocket Validator Pro for the price of just 9 months.

To take advantage of this offer, simply use the promo code PRO2024 at checkout. This code is valid during the last days of 2023, so be sure to act fast!

PRO2024 discount

Get the 2024 Pro Yearly Discount.

Let’s make the web more accessible for everyone in 2024!

Ready to validate your sites?
Start your trial today.