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New Report Data Storage Policy

by Jaime Iniesta

Just a quick letter to let you know that we're reviewing our report data storage policy - that is, how long we store the data generated for each site report, and we're applying the changes next August, 15th.

Report data means everything that is generated when you run a site report: records representing the web pages and all the accessibility and HTML issues found in them. Report results are stored to let you work later on reviewing the issues without relying on real-time checks.

While the results found on a site can be considered current for a few days or weeks, they lose their value after some time and a new re-scrape is advised: this way the report can include the new pages, exclude deleted pages, and reflect the current status on the issues found, based on the latest versions of the checkers.

These are the new storage periods that will be applied:

  • Basic users: 30 days.
  • Pro users: 90 days.
  • Enterprise users: 120 days.
  • Non-subscribed users: 7 days.

The best way to have up-to-date site reports is scheduling them - Rocket Validator lets you easily schedule reports to be run daily, weekly or monthly, or after deploys.

Also, if you want to extract data from your generated reports before they are deleted, you can use the Rocket Validator API.

Update May 2023: Increased Report Data Storage

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