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Summary Report Redesign

by Jaime Iniesta

The Summary Report, which forms the core of each site validation report, provides a comprehensive summary of a site’s condition, including counts of all the HTML and accessibility errors discovered as well as a percentage of all web pages that passed all tests.

This report’s layout has been revised so that you may access more information in a smaller, easier-to-read format:

Screenshot of the summary report

Let’s look at some of the blocks included in the new Summary Report design:

HTML and Accessibility Progress Cards

Screenshot of the progress cards

The proportion of web pages that passed every test is displayed on the HTML and Accessibility progress cards. These cards also list the overall amount of problems for each category (critical, serious, moderate, and minor for accessibility checks, and errors and warnings for HTML checks).

Counters and screenshot

Screenshot of the counters and site screenshot

The next section includes counters for the total number of web pages detected, the number of checks completed, and the date of the most recent check.

Using the resolution of the emulated device, the screenshot on the right provides a sneak preview of the website.

Main issues

Screenshot of the main issues section

The most prevalent HTML and accessibility problems on the site are highlighted in the main issues section. The issue description, the overall frequency with which this issue appears on the site, and a contextual menu with several options for each issue are provided for each one.

Screenshot of the main issues contextual menu

This drop-down menu can also be found in the rest of the issue reports, and allows you too see the web pages or elements affected, re-check the web pages that have the issue, mute the issue, or get help on how to fix it.

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