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Wordpress Accessibility Day 2020

by Jaime Iniesta

In less than 24 hours, the first WordPress Accessibility Day will start - a 24 hour global event of talks around Accessibility from the perspective of the WordPress publishing platform.

Rocket Validator is proud to sponsor the first WP Accessibility Day - WordPress is the most popular CMS so it's real good news that it has a dedicated team of developers promoting good practices about Accessibility. Way to go!

The event will start in less than 24 hours - October 2nd, 2020 at 17:45 UTC and it will include 24 talks, one per hour, from Accessibility experts worldwide. You can jump on the Wordpress Accessibility Team Youtube channel whenever it fits your time zone :) More info and schedules at

Rocket Validator has also been featured on the WP Accessibility Day blog, so if you haven't yet tried our site-wide accessibility scanner, check out this post:

Simplifying Large Site Accessibility Validations

Update: here are the recorded talks

The first Wordpress Accessibility Day is over and it's been a blast! If you couldn't watch the presentations don't worry as they were recorded.

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