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Axe Core Guide

Axe Core 4.8

<object> elements must have alternate text

To be read out to screen reader users, all embedded objects must have text alternatives.

There is no mechanism for screen readers to convert non-text items into text that is announced to users. They read aloud the alternative text instead. There must be brief, descriptive alternative text in embedded “object” components allowing screen reader users to access the information.

An embedded object in a document is defined by the “object” element. It is used to incorporate another web page or multimedia (audio, video, applets, etc.) into the document. There must be a text alternative for the object element in order for screen reader users to understand what the object contains.

When creating alternative text, keep in mind that its goal is to inform blind users about the information included in and intended usage of the image. Blind users should be able to derive the same amount of information from alternative text as a sighted user does from the image. The image’s objective, purpose, and significance should be explained in the alternative text.

The following considerations are beneficial to bear in mind when creating alternative text:

  • Why is this page featuring non-text content?
  • What data is it displaying?
  • What function does it serve?
  • What words would I use to communicate the same information or purpose if I couldn’t use the non-text content?

Make sure this attribute’s entire text is relevant. Generally speaking, terms like “chart”, “picture”, “diagram”, or image file names are not very helpful.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Ensures that each object element has an alternative text.

Learn more:

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