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Axe Core Guide

When used as links, link text and alternative text for images must be recognizable by screen readers, have no duplicate labels, and be focusable.

  • Accessibility is hindered by inaccessible link components, as they are a crucial component of a website.
  • Users who traverse a webpage using only the keyboard (and no mouse) can only click on links that can gain programmed emphasis. Inaccessible to these users is any link that cannot gain programmatic focus.
  • Similar to sighted people, screen reader users must know where a link leads. This information is provided via inner link text, albeit it will not be utilized if a screen reader cannot access it.
  • Only the links and form components that can get programmatic focus can be activated by keyboard users, including those with visual impairments or those who cannot use a mouse. Keyboard users cannot access events activated only by other sorts of focus, such as onmouseover events that depend on the mouse hover focus. By default, only links and form elements receive keyboard emphasis. Add tabindex="0" to items that are not links or form components to make them focusable.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Ensures that each link’s name is accessible.

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