HTML Guide for td
A <table> contains a <tr> row that has less <td> columns than the column count established by the first row. Check the table to ensure all rows have the same number of columns.
For example, in the following table, the first <tr> row defines that it’s 2 columns wide, but the second <tr> row tries to use only 1 column:
<!-- This first row sets the table as 2 columns wide -->
<!-- This second row has only 1 column -->
A <table> contains an incoherent number of columns on one of its rows. Check the structure of the table to find the invalid row.
For example, in the following table, the first <tr> row defines that it’s 2 columns wide, but the second <tr> row tries to use 5 columns by means of a colspan attribute:
<!-- This first row sets the table as 2 columns wide -->
<!-- This second row tries to use 5 columns -->
<td colspan="5">Wrong</td>
<td> elements no longer accept an align attribute. This can be achieved using CSS like this:
<td style="text-align:center;">content</td>
<td> elements no longer accept a valign attribute. This can be achieved using CSS like this:
<td style="vertical-align:middle;">content</td>
Both <table> and <td> elements no longer accept a width attribute. Instead, you should use CSS as in this example:
<table style="width:100%;">
<td style="width:50px;">Name</td>