HTML Guide
The specified CSS mask
has incorrect or unrecognized values. Ensure that the mask
property is used correctly according to the CSS specifications.
The mask CSS shorthand property hides an element (partially or fully) by masking or clipping the image at specific points.
For example, the mask-image
CSS property sets the image that is used as mask layer for an element. By default this means the alpha channel of the mask image will be multiplied with the alpha channel of the element, as in thie example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
.masked {
width: 100px;
height: 100px;
background-color: #8cffb0;
-webkit-mask-image: url(sun.svg);
mask-image: url(sun.svg);
<div class="masked"></div>
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Related W3C validator issues
The issue you’re encountering indicates that the CSS property align-items is being set to a value of auto, which is not a valid value for this property according to the CSS specification. The align-items property is used in flexbox and grid layouts to define how items are aligned along the cross axis.
Fixing the Issue:
Understand Valid Values: The valid values for the align-items property include:
/* Basic keywords */ align-items: normal; align-items: stretch; /* Positional alignment */ /* align-items does not take left and right values */ align-items: center; align-items: start; align-items: end; align-items: flex-start; align-items: flex-end; align-items: self-start; align-items: self-end; align-items: anchor-center; /* Baseline alignment */ align-items: baseline; align-items: first baseline; align-items: last baseline; /* Overflow alignment (for positional alignment only) */ align-items: safe center; align-items: unsafe center; /* Global values */ align-items: inherit; align-items: initial; align-items: revert; align-items: revert-layer; align-items: unset;
Choose a Correct Value: Based on the desired alignment, choose one of the valid values. For instance:
- Use flex-start to align items to the start of the container.
- Use center to align items in the center.
- Use stretch to stretch items to fill the container.
Example Correction: If your original CSS was:
.container { display: flex; align-items: auto; /* This is invalid */ }
You could change it to:
.container { display: flex; align-items: center; /* This is valid */ }
Replace the invalid auto value with a valid option that suits the design you aim for, making sure to test the layout after applying changes to confirm that the items align as intended.
The error you encountered indicates that the value none is not a valid value for the border-radius CSS property. The border-radius property expects a length value (like px, em, etc.), or keywords that define its radius, such as 0 or inherit.
How to Fix It
- Use a Valid Value: If you want no border radius, use 0 instead of none.
- Specify a Length: If you want rounded borders, specify a valid length value (e.g., 5px, 1em).
Incorrect Usage
This is the incorrect way that leads to the validation error:
.example {
border-radius: none; /* Invalid value */
Correct Usage
Here are correct alternatives:
Option 1: No Border Radius
.example {
border-radius: 0; /* Valid value for no rounded corners */
Option 2: Specify a Border Radius
.example {
border-radius: 5px; /* Valid value for rounded corners */
Replace border-radius: none; with either border-radius: 0; for no rounded corners or an appropriate pixel/em value for adding rounded corners. This will resolve the W3C Validator issue and ensure your CSS is compliant with the standards.
The issue you’re encountering is due to incorrect use of the pointer-events CSS property value. The W3C Validator indicates that normal is not a valid value for pointer-events.
How to Fix
The pointer-events property accepts specific valid values, and while “normal” is not one of them, the correct relevant value you likely intended to use is auto.
Valid Values for pointer-events
Here are the most common valid values for pointer-events:
/* Keyword values */
pointer-events: auto;
pointer-events: none;
pointer-events: visiblePainted; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: visibleFill; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: visibleStroke; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: visible; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: painted; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: fill; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: stroke; /* SVG only */
pointer-events: all; /* SVG only */
/* Global values */
pointer-events: inherit;
pointer-events: initial;
pointer-events: revert;
pointer-events: revert-layer;
pointer-events: unset;
Example Fix
If your original CSS is like this:
.my-element {
pointer-events: normal; /* This is incorrect */
You should change it to:
.my-element {
pointer-events: auto; /* This is correct */
To resolve the W3C Validator issue, replace any occurrence of pointer-events: normal; with pointer-events: auto; or another appropriate value based on the desired behavior.
The @tailwind at-rule defined by the Tailwind CSS framework isn’t officialy supported by the W3C Validator.
Tailwind directives are custom Tailwind-specific at-rules you can use in your CSS that offer special functionality for Tailwind CSS projects.
Although they’re valid directives for Tailwind, they’re not valid from the W3C Validator perspective. You can consider muting this issue in your Rocket Validator Pro reports.