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New Micro Plans

by Jaime Iniesta

Today we’re announcing the new Micro plans, designed for web developers and agencies that need to check small and medium-sized websites. The new Micro plans will let you perform up to 5,000 HTML checks per month, with unlimited domains and re-checks.

The new Micro plan is identical to the Basic plan in its features: it allows to batch-check web sites automatically using the W3C Validator, but with a lower capacity, still enough for most small and medium-sized websites:

  • 5,000 total HTML checks per month.
  • Up to 250 web pages per report.
  • Up to 3 requests per second.

Plans are packages!

We’re sure one of the subscription plans - Micro, Basic or Pro - will fit your needs whether you’re a freelancer, small or large company, but if it doesn’t, keep in mind you can always combine plans to get an extended capacity.

For example, let’s say you have a Micro Yearly plan giving you a sustained capacity of 5,000 checks per month. Maybe on a given month, you have more work and you need more checks - in this case, you can get an additional Basic Monthly plan on top to have your capacity extended to 25,000 checks during that month, and cancel it later on to get back to your normal quota.

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Start your trial today.