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How to fix your validation issues?

by Jaime Iniesta

While most of the users of Rocket Validator are web professionals, freelancers and web studios, there are also many other users that come to our site in search for a fix for their HTML validation errors.

One of the most frequent questions about our service is then, how do I fix my site? Or even, does Rocket Validator fix my errors?

The short answer is no, we don't fix your errors, you have to do it yourself or hire a web developer for that task.

What does Rocket Validator do for you?

Our service helps you validate HTML markup on your entire website. It's a much faster alternative than doing it through the official W3C validator: using this one you would need to manually submit each of the URLs on your site.

Instead, our Rocket Validator service does all these validations for you. If you have a site with 1,000 internal pages, our service will do the required 1,000 validations for you.

That's what service is about, a fast validation system for your whole site. We don't offer the service of fixing errors, this is a job that has to be done manually by a web developer.

So, how do I fix my markup errors?

If you are not an expert on web development, your best option is hiring a professional for that. 

There are specialized sites where you can find a web developer, for instance oDesk:

I would look for a professional there and ensure he/she has the skills to fix W3C validation errors, and also that he knows the current system you're using to publish your web site. For example, if your site is generated with Wordpress, I would search for the skills "wordpress w3c", like this:

Then you can have a look at their profiles and reputation, to find the one that best suits your needs and budget. I wouldn't go with the cheapest developers, though.

Apart from oDesk, there are other sites where you can find a good developer, like:

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