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European Parliaments Accessibility

by Jaime Iniesta

UPDATE: Global Reports have been archived as of March 2021.

September 23rd, 2020, marks the deadline to comply with the European Web Accessibility Directive, that obliges all European Member States to ensure that public web sites are accessible.

We asked ourselves, what is the current status on public European websites? So we published a new A11Y & HTML Conformance Leaderboard, including the parliament websites for each of the 28 European Members.

European Parliaments Accessibility Rankings

How A11Y & HTML Conformance Leaderboards Are Calculated

We’ve checked the candidate sites using the latest versions of the axe-core accessibility engine and the W3C Validator on up to 100 pages from each site.

Based on these checks we’ve applied a score, where we take the average number of issues per page, and where errors are counted twice and warnings are counted once.

So, the lower the score, the fewer access barriers a site has - so the site is ranked higher.

These sites are scheduled to re-check monthly, so it’s a live leaderboard that will reflect changes in the rankings.

Ready to validate your sites?
Start your trial today.