Axe Core Guide
<svg> elements with an img role must have an alternative text
Ensures that SVG elements with the roles img
, graphics-document
or graphics-symbol
have a text alternative that is accessible.
In order to make information provided by non-text material (including SVG graphics) accessible, Success Criterion 1.1.1 requires the usage of a text alternative. Because they can be portrayed through any sensory modality (for example, visual, auditory, or tactile) to suit the user’s needs, text alternatives are a fundamental method of making information accessible. By including text alternatives, a wider range of user agents can present the content in different ways.
For instance, a person who is blind can request that the text equivalent of an image be read out using synthetic speech. An audio file’s text alternative can be presented for people who cannot hear it, allowing them to read it. Text alternatives will eventually make it simpler to translate information into sign language or a more basic version of the same language.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
The algorithm for this rule returns:
True if the element has a
code child
<svg id="target"><title>Time II: Party</title></svg>
True if the
child has text nested in another element.
<svg id="target"><title><g>Time II: Party</g></title></svg>
False if the element has no
<svg id="target"></svg>
False if the
child is empty.
<svg id="target"><title></title></svg>
False if the
is a grandchild.
<svg id="target"><circle><title>Time II: Party</title></circle></svg>
False if the
child has only whitespace.
<svg id="target"><title> \t\r\n </title></svg>
- False if there are multiple titles and the first is empty.
<svg id="target"><title></title><title>Time II: Party</title></svg>
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Related Accessibility Rules
When used in a document, the frame
or iframe
element’s title attribute must not be empty in order to provide context for users of screen reader software.
Users of screen readers depend on the title of a frame to describe its contents. If the HTML for a frame
or iframe
element lacks a title
attribute, navigating within the element can be a frustrating and time-consuming experience for users of this technology.
Users of screen readers can see a list of the frames on a page and their respective titles. Providing each frame with a distinct, descriptive label facilitates easy navigation. Without titles, it’s easy to get lost trying to jump from one frame to the next. Screen readers will instead provide information like “frame,” “JavaScript,” the filename, or the URL if no title is provided. This data is unlikely to be useful in most situations.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Make sure the title attribute of every iframe
and frame
element is both distinct and not empty.
When used as links, link text and alternative text for images must be recognizable by screen readers, have no duplicate labels, and be focusable.
- Accessibility is hindered by inaccessible link components, as they are a crucial component of a website.
- Users who traverse a webpage using only the keyboard (and no mouse) can only click on links that can gain programmed emphasis. Inaccessible to these users is any link that cannot gain programmatic focus.
- Similar to sighted people, screen reader users must know where a link leads. This information is provided via inner link text, albeit it will not be utilized if a screen reader cannot access it.
Only the links and form components that can get programmatic focus can be activated by keyboard users, including those with visual impairments or those who cannot use a mouse. Keyboard users cannot access events activated only by other sorts of focus, such as
events that depend on the mouse hover focus. By default, only links and form elements receive keyboard emphasis. Addtabindex="0"
to items that are not links or form components to make them focusable.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Ensures that each link’s name is accessible.
An image map consists of a single image with numerous clickable sections. Because screen readers cannot translate graphics into text, an image map, like all images, must contain alternative text for each of the distinct clickable parts, as well as for the larger image itself.
In the absence of alternative text, screen readers often announce the image’s filename. Filenames do not accurately describe images and are therefore inconvenient for screen reader users.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Ensures that image map area
elements have alternative text.
ARIA attributes must be used as specified for the element’s role.
Using ARIA attributes on elements where they are not expected can result in unpredictable behavior for assistive technologies. This can lead to a poor user experience for people with disabilities who rely on these technologies. It is important to follow the ARIA specification to ensure that assistive technologies can properly interpret and communicate the intended meaning of the content.
Some ARIA attributes are only allowed on an element under certain conditions. Different attributes have different limitations to them:
aria-checked: This should not be used on an HTML input element with type=”checkbox”. Such elements have a checked state determined by the browser. Browsers should ignore aria-checked in this scenario. Because browsers do this inconsistently, a difference between the native checkbox state and the aria-checked value will result in differences between screen readers and other assistive technologies.
The aria-posinset, aria-setsize, aria-expanded, and aria-level attributes are conditional when used on a row. This can be either tr
element, or an element with role="row"
. These attributes can only be used when the row
is part of treegrid
. When used inside a table
or grid
, these attributes have no function, and could result in unpredictable behavior from screen readers and other assistive technologies.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Check that ARIA attributes are not used in a way that their role describes authors should not, or must not do. I.e the use of this ARIA attribute is conditional.
Elements with aria-hidden
must not contain focusable elements.
Using the property aria-hidden="true"
on an element removes the element and all of its child nodes from the accessibility API, rendering the element fully unavailable to screen readers and other assistive technology.
may be used with extreme discretion to hide visibly displayed content from assistive technologies if the act of hiding this content is meant to enhance the experience of assistive technology users by reducing redundant or superfluous content.
If aria-hidden
is employed to hide material from screen readers, the same or equal meaning and functionality must be made available to assistive technologies.
Using aria-hidden="false"
on content that is a descendant of an element that is hidden using aria-hidden="true"
will not reveal that content to the accessibility API, nor will it be accessible to screen readers or other assistive technology.
The rule applies to any element whose aria-hidden
attribute value is true
By adding aria-hidden="true"
to an element, authors assure that assistive technologies will disregard the element.
This can be used to hide aesthetic elements, such as icon typefaces, that are not intended to be read by assistive technologies.
A focusable element with aria-hidden="true"
is disregarded as part of the reading order, but is still part of the focus order, making it unclear if it is visible or hidden.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
For all user interface components, including form elements, links, and script-generated components, the name and role can be identified programmatically; user-specified states, properties, and values can be set programmatically; and user agents, including assistive technologies, are notified of changes.
Ensures every ARIA input field has an accessible name.
This rule ensures that each ARIA input field has a name that is accessible.
There must be accessible names for the following input field roles:
- combobox
- listbox
- searchbox
- slider
- spinbutton
- textbox
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
The names of ARIA input fields must be accessible.
Not all ARIA role-attribute combinations are valid. Elements must only use permitted ARIA attributes.
Using ARIA attributes in roles where they are prohibited can mean that important information is not communicated to users of assistive technologies. Assistive technologies may also attempt to compensate for the issue, resulting in inconsistent and confusing behavior of these tools.
This Rule checks that noe of the attributes used with a particular role are listed as “prohibited” for that role in the latest version of WAI-ARIA.
The aria-label
and aria-labelledby
attributes are prohibited on presentation
and none
roles, as well as on text-like roles such as code
, insertion
, strong
, etc.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Checks that each ARIA attribute used is not described as prohibited for that element’s role in the WAI-ARIA specification.
Ensures that the aria-roledescription
attribute is only applied to elements having explicit or implicit role values.
Inappropriate aria-roledescription
attribute values that clash with an element’s implicit or explicit role
value can impede the web page’s accessibility. A contradictory aria-roledescription
attribute value may have no effect on the application’s accessibility and may trigger behavior that blocks accessibility for entire application sections.
When aria-roledescription
attributes are applied to HTML elements not in accordance with WAI-ARIA 1.1, a semantic conflict may occur between the aria-roledescription
value and the implicit or explicit element role
value, resulting in assistive technology products reporting nonsensical user interface (UI) information that does not accurately represent the intended UI experience.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Use aria-roledescription
values to adequately explain implicit or explicit element role
Makes certain that each ARIA toggle field has an accessible name.
Ensures that any element having a semantic role has a name that is easily accessible.
Among the semantic roles are:
- checkbox
- menu
- menuitemcheckbox
- menuitemradio
- radio
- radiogroup
- switch
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
There is an accessible name for ARIA toggle fields.
Each page must have a main
landmark to allow users to rapidly traverse repetitive blocks of material or interface elements (such as the header and navigation) and get the primary content.
Due to the fact that websites frequently display secondary, repetitive content on several pages (such as navigation links, heading graphics, and advertising frames), keyboard-only users benefit from faster, more direct access to a page’s principal content. This saves keystrokes and reduces physical discomfort.
It is more difficult and time-consuming for users who cannot use a mouse to navigate using the keyboard if the interface does not provide features to facilitate keyboard navigation. To activate a link in the middle of a web page, for instance, a keyboard user may have to browse through a significant number of links and buttons in the page’s header and primary navigation.
Extremely motor-impaired users may require several minutes to browse through all of these pieces, which can cause to tiredness and potential physical pain for some users. Even users with less severe limitations will require more time than users with a mouse, who can click on the desired link in less than a second.
What this Accessibility Rule Checks
Checks for the presence of at least one of the following features:
- an internal skip link
- a header
- a geographical landmark