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Axe Core Guide

Axe Core 4.10

Delayed refresh under 20 hours must not be used

The document must not use <meta http-equiv="refresh"> with a refresh time of less than 20 hours, as this could prohibit users with disabilities from controlling when the page is refreshed.

Since consumers do not anticipate a page to immediately reload, this behavior might be unsettling. Reloading also returns the programmatic emphasis to the page’s top, away from where the user had it. Such resets are irritating to users.

Redirection and page refresh via the <meta> element are problematic for users with impairments in a number of ways. Redirects and refreshes are problematic for the primary reason that the user has no control over when they occur. If the objective of the <meta> element is to redirect the user to a new location, server-side rather than client-side procedures should be implemented. Moving or auto-updating content might be a hindrance for those who have problems reading stationary material fast and for those who have trouble monitoring moving objects. It can also present difficulties for screen readers.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Examines whether the http-equiv="refresh" attribute is present on meta elements with a content value of less than 20 hours.

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