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Axe Core Guide

Axe Core 4.10

Certain ARIA roles must contain particular children

Some ARIA role values in parent elements must contain specific child elements and role values in order to execute the intended accessibility function.

WAI-ARIA outlines specifically, for each role, which child and parent roles are permitted and/or required. ARIA roles lacking needed child roles will not be able to execute the desired accessibility functions.

The user’s context must be communicated by assistive technology. In a treeitem, for instance, it is essential to know the parent (container), item, and siblings in the folder. This is possible in two ways:

  • Code order or DOM: The context required is frequently evident from the code order or DOM.
  • ARIA: ARIA (such as aria-owns) can be used to provide relationships when the hierarchy differs from the code structure or the DOM tree.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Checks each element containing a WAI-ARIA role for the presence of all requisite child roles.

Learn more:

Related Accessibility Rules