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Axe Core Guide

Axe Core 4.10

aria-hidden='true' must not be present on the document body

The content of the document is inaccessible to assistive technologies if <body aria-hidden="true"> is present.

Applying aria-hidden="true" to objects that are otherwise accessible: A web page is supposed to be fully accessible, and it would be accessible if elements lacked the aria-hidden="true" attribute value. Screen readers do not read information tagged with the property value aria-hidden="true". Users may continue to tab to focusable items within the hidden objects, but screen readers will stay mute.

Any purposefully hidden information or interface elements, such as dormant dialogs and collapsed menus, must also be hidden from screen reader users. When items are accessible to sighted people, such as when they engage a button or expand a menu item, they must also be accessible to users of screen readers.

The objective is to give screen reader users with an experience comparable to that of sighted users. If there is a strong reason to hide something from visible users, there is typically a compelling one to hide it from blind users as well. When content is made accessible to sighted people, it makes sense to also make it accessible to blind users.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Checks for the presence of the ‘aria-hidden=”true”‘ attribute on the ‘body’ element of the document and returns a message indicating success or failure.

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