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HTML Guide

The element “a” must not appear as a descendant of an element with the attribute “role=button”.

When you encounter the issue where the <a> element is nested inside an element with role="button", it’s important to understand that this can lead to accessibility conflicts. The role="button" indicates that the element is interactive, similar to a button. Nesting an <a> (which is also an interactive element) inside it can confuse assistive technologies.

How to Fix This Issue

You should either change the structure so that the <a> is not inside the button or change the role of the button to avoid this violation. Here are two common approaches to resolve the issue:

Option 1: Remove the <a> Tag

Replace the <a> tag with an appropriate action directly inside the element with role="button".

Example Before:

<div role="button">
  <a href="#link">Click here</a>

Example After:

<div role="button" tabindex="0" onclick="location.href='#link';">
  Click here

Here, we use JavaScript to navigate to the link when the div is clicked.

Option 2: Remove the role="button"

If the <a> tag is sufficient by itself, you can remove the role="button" from the surrounding element.

Example Before:

<div role="button">
  <a href="#link">Click here</a>

Example After:

<a href="#link">Click here</a>

This maintains the desired navigation without creating a conflict between the button and link semantics.

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