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HTML Guide

Stray start tag “noscript”.

The “Stray start tag noscript“ error in the W3C HTML Validator indicates that the <noscript> tag has been used incorrectly or is placed in an invalid location within your HTML document.

The <noscript> tag is used to define alternative content for users who have disabled JavaScript in their browsers or for browsers that do not support JavaScript.

Common Causes:

  1. Position of <noscript>: The <noscript> tag should be placed correctly within sections where it is allowed.
  2. Nested Improperly: The <noscript> tag should not be placed inside other tags where it is not valid.

Correct Usage:

  1. Within <head>:

         <title>Example Page</title>
             // Some JavaScript code
                 /* Alternative styling if JavaScript is disabled */
  2. Within <body>:

         <h1>Welcome to the Example Page</h1>
             // Some JavaScript code
             <p>JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Please enable JavaScript for the full experience.</p>

Fixing the Issue:

  1. Inside Existing Tags: Ensure the <noscript> tag is not placed inside other tags where it cannot be parsed correctly.

     <!-- Incorrect -->
             <p>JavaScript is disabled in your browser.</p>
     <!-- Correct -->
             <p>JavaScript is disabled in your browser.</p>
  2. Placement in Body or Head: Verify that the <noscript> tag is placed inside the <body> or <head> based on what content it’s providing a fallback for.

     <!-- Incorrect (inside an illegal tag) -->
         Some content
         <noscript><p>JavaScript is disabled in your browser.</p></noscript>
     <!-- Correct -->
     <div>Some content</div>
     <noscript><p>JavaScript is disabled in your browser.</p></noscript>


  1. Place <noscript> only within accepted sections (<head> or <body>).
  2. Avoid nesting <noscript> inside other tags improperly.

Learn more:

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