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HTML Guide

CSS: “border-radius”: “none” is not a “border-radius” value.

The error you encountered indicates that the value none is not a valid value for the border-radius CSS property. The border-radius property expects a length value (like px, em, etc.), or keywords that define its radius, such as 0 or inherit.

How to Fix It

  • Use a Valid Value: If you want no border radius, use 0 instead of none.
  • Specify a Length: If you want rounded borders, specify a valid length value (e.g., 5px, 1em).


Incorrect Usage

This is the incorrect way that leads to the validation error:

  .example {
    border-radius: none; /* Invalid value */

Correct Usage

Here are correct alternatives:

Option 1: No Border Radius

  .example {
    border-radius: 0; /* Valid value for no rounded corners */

Option 2: Specify a Border Radius

  .example {
    border-radius: 5px; /* Valid value for rounded corners */


Replace border-radius: none; with either border-radius: 0; for no rounded corners or an appropriate pixel/em value for adding rounded corners. This will resolve the W3C Validator issue and ensure your CSS is compliant with the standards.

Learn more:

Related W3C validator issues