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HTML Guide

Bad value X for attribute “name” on element “iframe”: Browsing context name started with the underscore.

The value of the name attribute on an <iframe> should not start with an underscore (_).

Browsing context names that begin with an underscore are reserved keywords in HTML, like _blank, _self, _parent, and _top. Using these reserved names or any custom name starting with an underscore for the name attribute of an <iframe> can lead to unexpected behavior and is considered invalid HTML.

Here’s how to fix the issue:

Problematic Code

<iframe src="" name="_example"></iframe>


To resolve this issue, you should use a valid value for the name attribute that does not start with an underscore.

Corrected Code

<iframe src="" name="example"></iframe>


  1. Identify the iframe element with the invalid name attribute value that starts with an underscore.
  2. Replace the name value with a valid identifier that does not start with _. Use letters, numbers, hyphens (-), and underscores (_) (but not at the beginning).

Learn more:

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