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Axe Core Guide

Axe Core 4.10

ARIA role should be appropriate for the element

WAI-ARIA role attribute values must be correct. This means that values must be written correctly, correlate to existing ARIA role values, and not be abstract roles in order to properly display the element’s purpose.

When an assigned WAI-ARIA role value for the parent element is invalid, a developer’s intended accessible technology activity is disabled.

When screen readers and other assistive devices do not understand the job of each element on a web page, they cannot interact with it intelligently or explain the role to the user. When the value for a role is invalid, assistive technologies are unable to communicate the element’s features, properties, and methods. Applying role="table" to a <ul>, for example, effectively hijacks the default semantics associated with the <ul> element in a way that screenreaders do not expect, resulting in unexpected behavior.

What this Accessibility Rule Checks

Check all elements with WAI-ARIA role attribute values to confirm the role value is correct. The role value must be appropriate for the element in the context of the document.

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